Archive | January, 2014

WildSherston is underway

23 Jan

New developments… (as published in the February 2014 edition of the Sherston Cliffhanger)

Over the past couple of years a number of people have expressed an interest in knowing more about our local nature – the trees, flowers, bees, birds and how to learn more. This got me thinking about how to help people learn about our fantastic local nature in a fun and interesting way using local expertise and ensure that children have a great opportunity to really get involved.

Wild Sherston is the result and is planned for the 16th, 17th and 18th May when there will be a weekend of talks, walks, hands-on sessions for children and maybe the odd very small celebrity (maybe).

The programme is still just being finalised but it will be something like:

Friday 16th May – speaker in the evening on a wildlife topic of general interest.

Saturday 17th May – lots of activity in the Village Hall and Church with 6 – 7 talks on subjects such as identifying local birds, bats, butterflies, flowers and what to do if you find an injured animal or bird. A number of local and national societies will have stands and lots of experts including Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Butterfly Conservation, Avon Valley River Trust, a wildlife refuge, British Trust for Ornithology, Forest School, RSPB etc etc. There will be a programme of activities for children and maybe some wild animals to see.

Sunday 18th May – a number of walks around the village some focused on particular topics such as wild flowers, butterflies or birds as well as a nature trail for children.

The arrangements are in hand and if you would like to get involved please let me know – in particular we will need stewards over the weekend. More information in next months Cliffhanger.

The request for help building nest boxes will result in an outbreak of new homes in February but given their size they won’t need planning permission!! A number of people, as well as the Scouts, are building a variety of boxes including those for Barn Owls, Little Owls and House Sparrows. The Owl boxes will be put up in local trees and barn’s (if we can use one) and the House Sparrows, who have communal nests, will have new housing in the centre of the village. Next month should see some pictures of people up ladders trying to attach heavy bits of DIY to trees!.

Finally a picture of a local resident which you don’t often see this close – if you do see a Sparrowhawk it’s often just a blur.

Sparrowhawk Jan 2014